Friday, March 2, 2012

Sam 'n' Mom

This is something very close to my heart - A comic about a Growing kid and a Growing Mom. Coming up....

The Little Prince

I finished reading a little book "The little Prince" by Antoine De Saint-Exupery. And that moment itself I wanted to tell Antoine that I am in love with him ! I searched for him on net. Found out that he died in 1944. I didn't know what to do with so much emotions - And the only thing I could do was just paint that little prince - my own version, and i am doing it right now...

Its work in progress painting.......The more I paint the more I feel happy and sad, like that princess who cried and laughed at the same time, when she saw a human after so many years of being imprisoned in a monster's house !

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Skin Deep - A study of human skin

Orchid, light coral, dark orange, sandy brown, pink, beige, misty rose, lemon chiffon, crimson, deep pink, plum, light pink ---- skin has colors of all the weathers and seasons, all the weathering 'n' seasoning adds up as well!! Another realization !

With growing understanding, I'll keep on adding more colors...till I see no further !

Monday, February 6, 2012

Speed painting

This was done in a weekly painting/sketching activity in a group I am subscribed to on Facebook - "Artalks". The topic was "Any of your favourite scenes from a movie". I chose "Black swan" - a complicated movie with stunning and so strong visuals !

This is my first portrait as well. I am thankful to Roshan, who put me on this. I never knew I could paint something fast. I started after 11:00 in night and was done by 2:30 in the morning !

Sunday, January 22, 2012


My First Digital Painting

One fine day, my son chopped off all the hair off my painting brushes when I was in kitchen !! Well, after that I didn't buy any brushes. But I tried Photoshop - My first completed digital painting ! :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

People at work

Sometimes I find difficult to draw from imagination, then I stop there. And take something that I have liked in other artists' work, then I just read those lines and re-write them in my sketch book - It is therapeutical !